
DeniseJane, United Kingdom

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About Denise...

Hello! I am a writer and teacher of English. I love reading - especially historical novels - and creative writing (I have kept a blog called Much Malarkey Manor for five years now). As a committed vegetarian, I try to grow my own vegetables (not always successfully!) and keep chickens. I have three cats, all of whom were abandoned at the surgery where my husband is a veterinary surgeon.

Other things I love? Gardening, flowers ( I am trying to fill the garden with lavender - I adore lavender!), classical music, baking yummy cakes, sewing, knitting and dancing in the kitchen when no-one is watching! Since becoming a middle-aged granny three years ago I have decided to try lots of new skills like learning the piano and how to paint and draw. I have already completed courses in bee-keeping and creative writing. One was a more scary experience than the other - I'll let you guess which one!

Other life experiences include spiritual work and healing, growing up on a farm, raising two children and being rubbish at things like netball and athletics, but beating everyone at swimming!

I am looking forward to sending and receiving postcards of any kind from all around the world! I have a wall in my study freshly cleared and ready for a new and colourful display.

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