Postcard US-7663528

sent on
travel time 35 days
distance traveled 5,852 miles
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postcard image of US-7663528
gandhi-in-tokyo, Japan
posted over 2 years ago

These attractive and well-composed photos, which have the effect in all cases of drawing the eye in to the picture, were taken by the sender. Am assuming that she designed the card and printed it herself as well. Such talent! It leaves me wondering yet again why some Postcrossers have no interest in receiving self-made cards. Ah, well--different strokes for different folks, I guess.

kala, United States of America
kala said:
posted over 2 years ago

The photos I had taken and used the help of Vistaprint to design the postcard and print (and the company has affordable prices for those that want a better quality than self-printing at home).

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