Postcard CA-358992

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travel time 5 days
distance traveled 3,383 miles
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postcard image of CA-358992
Willendorf11, Canada
Willendorf11 said:
posted over 10 years ago

Back of postcard (pre-printed part) reads, “Bookcrossing (n.) the practice of leaving a book in a public place to be picked up and read by others, who then do likewise. (The Concise Oxford English Dictionary).” As well, around the postcard’s borders it says this, starting from the top left edge: “Love a book? Let it go,” “Shared books are happy books,” “It’s good for the circulation,” “Make the whole world a library,” “What a novel idea,” “Keep them by letting them go,” “Books are forever,” “Peace on earth, good books to all,” “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single release,” “Commit random acts of literacy,” “Let your books gather friends, not dust,” “Shorten your book’s shelf life,” “Don’t be shelf-ish with your books,” and “Help spread the words.” Finally, in the middle, dividing the message side from the recipient address side it reads, “Learn more at”

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