
polikshanova, Belarus
  • country Belarus
  • Member since Joined 5th Nov., 2013
  • icon Seen about 1 hour ago

Receive postcards

About Catherine...

Hello, dear postcrosser. My name is Catherine and I'm 24 y.o. I live in Minsk, capital of Belarus. In my spare time i do yoga and playing computer games (for instance now really like heroes of might and magic III). Also I will spend a lot of time this year to redecorate my flat. I enjoy to watch diffrent series. I have a red cat called Red (Ryzhik) and I love him so much. Moreover to tell you about me I will be learn how to drive a car soon cause i am really tired of walking in my 24 :) I am keen on going to cinema and always wait for the latest good movies to watch. I've used a personal journal for a long time.

I would like to receive any type of card that you personally like. But I wanted to ask you look at the card that you want to send me and trully say: WOW, how's amazing that card i prepared for Cath ;)

So what I wanted to say it's that I want to receive AESTETICAL card, it doesn't matter what on it :)))

But if you totally don't know what to send i will enjoy:
- Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Game of Thrones, House of Dragon, Twilight, Pirates of the Caribbean and any movies/series you choose for me
- if it's national holiday in your country you can choose with theme of it for instanse (Easter, Chinese New Year, Indian দুর্গা পূজা, The Independence day and so on)
- i also will like cartoons as Shrek, Up, Monsters, Inc., Inside out, Madagascar, Disney, and any others
- Blue cats
- famous people in different fields (Marilyn Monroe, Beyoncé, Albert Einstein, etc.)
- Marvel \ DC
- space, starry night, moon
- city or place where you live, your waterfalls or seas, oceans or rivers (i am not fan of church or cathedral but if it's famous and big you also can)
- food on a card
- theme of love, romantic, wedding, family
- cats
- art
- mermaid
- some scary things like Pennywise from “It”, Freddy Krueger, spooky card you know :D
- lighthouses
- if anime I know only Death note, Spirited away and Attack on Titan. But maybe you can send me new one and tell me why do you like it ;)

I will really appreciate if you write me about your favourite song, favourite movie (better with a year), interesting facts about you or why did you chose exactly this card? Also you can note which country are you going to visit. Or tell me anythig you want to tell!

If you want you can share with me your national coins i will really gracefull for that! Or if you want to share stickers will be nice ^_^

Thank you and Happy Postcrossing for all of us!

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