Postcrossing Blog

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Blog > Collecting Magic: From Stamps to Wands


Remember back in July, when the Singapore Philatelic Museum asked everyone’s collaboration with Harry Potter postcards for their newest thematic exhibition? Mishelle Lim from the museum recently wrote back to let us know the responses to this call for postcards were stunning, and that they’ve received almost 100 beautiful postcards — including hand-made ones and some bearing Harry Potter stamps. Woohoo! Ten points to Gryffindor Postcrossing!

The museum is now busy replying to the submissions, but have sent back some photos of the exhibition which opened last month. Have a look:

Collecting Magic: From Stamps to Wands Collecting Magic: From Stamps to Wands Collecting Magic: From Stamps to Wands

Merlin’s beard… that looks amazing! We’re always in awe of SPM’s exhibitions — you can tell they work hard on all the details to really take the experience to the next level.

If you’re in the area or planning to visit Singapore in the next few months, “Collecting Magic: From Stamps to Wands” will be open until June 2017.

13 comments so far

Tranchile, Guernsey


I was thrilled with my Harry Potter themed card back. I also have virtually all of the Harry Potter Lego Mini figures even though I am a young 62! I am sad I cannot visit the exhibition though but it looks simply MAGICAL.

Miguel-Isaias, Portugal

Just amazing!

freshwaterwi, Italy

The Singapore Philatelic Museum always does such wonderful displays! It is so nice that they encourage participation from their makes it all the more special!

Flippie, Canada

Hi, I'm a huge Fan of Harry Potter and I remember the request for sending cards to this museum, back July. I send one, It's a handmade nice card and I hope that it is on display.
I have still a hope for a card in return......wait with me,
Deep in my heart I wish that I could see "Collecting Magic: From Stamps to Wands".
Greetings from Anneke.

NaruMinamino, Peru

Wow, the exhibition looks magical indeed! I didn't know you could send handmade cards, or I'd have sent one... I'll be on the lookout for next year's exhibition!

kd7flc, United States of America

Totally awesome! Wow! My Harry Potter postcard is there!

fajarlatif99, Indonesia

Oh I want to see them, Harry potter..

josephvm, India

Still waiting for Postcrossing app..!!

Geminiscp, Portugal

If only Singapore was closer... great exhibition!!! :)

forget_me_not, Russia

Wow! I can see my postcard!=)) The one with a big minisheet to the right of the Keep Calm card. Really happy to know it has reached the Museum on time! Let your magic spell be always with you, guys!=)

Steph01, Germany

Such a cool exhibition! There's so much detail, fantastic :)

goodie, United States of America

My card is there! and I just got my card from the museum!
Very cool idea!

post4hanneke, Netherlands

I've sent in a Harry Potter card and I received a nice card (and stamp) in return! I now can tell everybody that I'm part of the exhibition! It's just great!
