Saint Pierre and Miquelon

is a special territory in the continent of North America with a population of 7,012 habitants. The capital of Saint Pierre & Miquelon is Saint-Pierre.
Members: 9 (Browse all)
Sent: 1,067 postcards
Received: 955 postcards
Ranking: 136th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Most active members

1. Groudon, Saint Pierre and Miquelon Groudon
402 postcards sent
2. isa0104, Saint Pierre and Miquelon isa0104
215 postcards sent
3. elisud, Saint Pierre and Miquelon elisud
111 postcards sent
4. ameliepoulain94, Saint Pierre and Miquelon ameliepoulain94
110 postcards sent
5. Oxia2707, Saint Pierre and Miquelon Oxia2707
36 postcards sent
6. Marianne3103, Saint Pierre and Miquelon Marianne3103
9 postcards sent
7. kaderousse, Saint Pierre and Miquelon kaderousse
8 postcards sent
8. albane1126, Saint Pierre and Miquelon albane1126
7 postcards sent
9. Evenn, Saint Pierre and Miquelon Evenn
5 postcards sent
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