
is a special territory in the continent of Europe with a population of 32,688 habitants. The capital of Gibraltar is Gibraltar.
Members: 14 (Browse all)
Sent: 1,630 postcards
Received: 1,091 postcards
Ranking: 115th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Gibraltar

Most active members

1. gibraltarr, Gibraltar gibraltarr
488 postcards sent
2. Izabella, Gibraltar Izabella
132 postcards sent
3. Jacqueline1962, Gibraltar Jacqueline1962
119 postcards sent
4. Indig0, Gibraltar Indig0
110 postcards sent
5. MrParcelPost, Gibraltar MrParcelPost
91 postcards sent
6. Galisss613, Gibraltar Galisss613
30 postcards sent
7. Mummy_and_Pikachu, Gibraltar Mummy_and_Pikachu
16 postcards sent
8. RacJax, Gibraltar RacJax
13 postcards sent
9. dricar, Gibraltar dricar
11 postcards sent
10. alexmac, Gibraltar alexmac
9 postcards sent

Random members

RacJax, Gibraltar Izabella, Gibraltar
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