
is a special territory in the continent of North America with a population of 107,359 habitants. The capital of Aruba is Oranjestad.
Members: 7 (Browse all)
Sent: 646 postcards
Received: 484 postcards
Ranking: 158th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Aruba

Most active members

1. margarithamer, Aruba margarithamer
152 postcards sent
2. ssueman, Aruba ssueman
110 postcards sent
3. Dushiinge, Aruba Dushiinge
32 postcards sent
4. Elaine_Aruba, Aruba Elaine_Aruba
10 postcards sent
5. soulwhispers, Aruba soulwhispers
6 postcards sent
6. Topasio, Aruba Topasio
6 postcards sent
7. arubakids, Aruba arubakids
4 postcards sent
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