Postcrossing Blog

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Blog > The World Postcard Day design contest is coming!


… and so it starts again! 😊

World Postcard Day 2021 logo

We’ve been working behind the scenes on this year’s edition of the World Postcard Day, and today we’d like to announce one of the most exciting parts of it: the graphic design competition to find the official postcard of 2021's events! Last year, we tested by running the contest in Portugal only, together with our friends at Finepaper, a neat printing and design company based in Lisbon. This year, and in the global spirit of postcards, we’re extending the competition to the whole world. So no matter whether you’re a student in Bangladesh, an artist in Argentina, or maybe just someone who really likes drawing, crafts or design — you can participate too!

This year’s theme is “Around the world on a postcard”. The ability to transport us to far away places through the image and words is a really nice characteristic of postcards, and we would like to see this facet featured on this year’s official postcard. How you will choose to make that work is up to you — illustration, photography or some sort of mixed design approach are all valid approaches to the topic. The sky is the limit!

World Postcard Day Contest banner

Will there be prizes? You mean, besides worldwide recognition and the immense satisfaction of seeing your design traveling all around the world? 🤪 Naturally! They’ll be announced on the World Postcard Day contest page soon, along with the rules and juries of the contest.

Digital design submissions open later this month, but we are giving postcrossers an early heads-up so you can start working on your proposals. Gather your pencils or fire up Photoshop, and tell your friends to participate too! The contest will run for around 2 months, and results will be published on the World Postcard Day page (and here on the blog) sometime after the deadline closes. We are really looking forward to seeing your creative ideas pour in!

And if, like many of us, you don’t have a lot of creative bones in your body, this is a good time to start making plans and think how you’ll celebrate this year’s event. While we’re busy poking post offices and big postal museums, you can get in touch with your local libraries, museums, schools or other organizations and invite them to commemorate this date as well! Share your ideas with others in the comments below or in this forum topic — now’s the time to start creating some buzz and prepare to make October 1st the best day in the year!

36 comments so far

ned44440, Ireland

🤔 I'm no artist, but this sounds like a fun idea 😄

saqibmbutt, Pakistan

wao, great idea <3

sweta86, Germany

that sounds really good.
I've never done anything like this before.
is there an address? where can I send my postcard?

meiadeleite, Portugal

@sweta86 Submissions will be open on the contest page, later this month!

NatalkaOris, Belarus

What a great idea!🙃 It's a pity that I can't draw😔

ezredax, United States of America

NIce idea, but I would probably not use them. I prefer to receive postcards designed by individuals. stay safe, Demaris

AlexisAhotep, Portugal

Congrats for this idea! :)

DonnaM, Canada

Love this idea!!

Hakuna57, Germany

Good Idea,
Where is the Adress to send my Postcard? Let's begin 👍

Sweetsazzle, United Kingdom

I like this a lot, thinking cap on 😃

Liudmyla_Kh, Ukraine

I really like this idea. I'm starting to draw :)

orange_memo, United States of America

I'm down, very like this idea. Let's getting starting to draw but where to send the postcard? :)

Mischwald, Germany

I‘m in

knally13, United States of America

Just the other day I was wondering when the official design would be released, so I could have time to buy postcards with it! I won't be joining the contest, but I am very excited to see all of the entries!

tassiepenny, Australia

Sending a WPD postcard on the 1st of October is a real joy. And then, if I’m lucky - receiving a WPD that was sent to me on that day - fantastic! Last year, I was lucky to receive just one - something I will treasure. Can’t wait to see the design the judges choose.

GeekMusician, United States of America

As I am new to postcrossing, this will be my first World Postcard Day! I'm excited to see what you have in store. I will start imagining a design now. 😊

Flippie, Canada

I can't wait for Oct.first.

Marjie, United Kingdom

Exciting! I will give it a go!

beesknees, United States of America

love it

spicytropic, Malaysia

wow, interesting! I would love to participate too!

-Hector-, Japan

Cool, where can I see the designs from previous years?

NIDUSKA, Finland


pamilajo, United States of America

Everyone is an artist.

Talal90Ahmed, Iraq


dobebeth13, United States of America

Can't wait!!!!

Lake, United States of America

Will there be a WPD badge this year?

ellengalvao, Brazil

Niiiceeeeeeeeeee!!! =DDDD

gmangiamele, United States of America

Super Excited about this idea and theme. Getting started right away!!!

Rumo_Uladzimir, Belarus

And I have a proposal for more than one postcard. I offer a challenge for the holiday - a puzzle by mail or a coloring book by mail.

I was inspired by mail games. It is a pity that there are very few open swaps. To provide a ready-made puzzle card for the contest.

sohanur, Bangladesh

<i>..."So no matter whether you’re a student in Bangladesh, an artist in Argentina"...</i>

how did you know that I'm participating? 😂 and how did you know that I am a student? 🤣

Annie_Kotsar, Russia

I am only 11 years old, but I will participate!

TheLastMaybug, Germany

I have painted in the past, on paper, silk, and cotton.
But can´t promise I have a good idea for this one.
If not, I will not participate.

Lasingla, Russia

How cool, I want to participate. It's good that I saw it now :)) not when it's too late

paulinocka, Slovakia

that’s such a good idea! I’ve been waiting for something like this for so long!🙏

Chabane, Algeria

Is the artwork hand drawn or photographed?

_samy_, India

Sounds like fun! How many entries can we send in?


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