Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Postcrossing Spotlight: nowaglas from U.S.A.


Jocelyn, 39, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. For her, Postcrossing is a full time job. It must be, she receives an average of 5 to 20 cards a day. Learn more about Joce and her activities in Postcrossing.

How did you come across Postcrossing? What got you hooked?

Over three years ago, I was a big part of Flickr's The Biggest Group thread. We had a sub-thread called TBG-Traveling Postcards. I immediately loved the idea of sending and receiving postcards within the USA and throughout the world! I found Postcrossing through a flickr friend in The Netherlands (who is not on Postcrossing anymore) and I was immediately hooked – sending and receiving officials and participating in the forum. Wow! What a concept! I was amazed at how friendly everyone was! I would have never thought that so many people could be just as addicted as I am! I currently host the two largest round robins: Color RR and Photo RR.
I have met so many people through Postcrossing. It’s amazing how many friendships have developed over the past few years. I am very grateful to be a member of this wonderful site.

Do you have any other interesting hobbies?

Aside from postcard collecting, I love to cruise! I have been on over 26 cruises that have sailed all throughout the Caribbean. What an excuse to cruise too – oops, I am out of postcards, I must cruise again to replenish my stock so I can trade! I live in the desert so I can’t get enough of the ocean. Photography is also a great love of mine. It’s interesting capturing unique photos of people, places and things. Postcrossing is a full time job (but a fun one!) so I don’t want to have any other hobbies!

Show us your mailbox, your mailman/mailwoman, your postoffice or the place where you post or keep your postcards!

Here is a photo of my mailbox where I run home to check everyday (except Sunday). Sometimes the box is full – I receive, on average, 5 to 20 postcards per day! I used to have a wonderful system to store my postcards (in photo boxes, alphabetically by country) but since I started scanning them and uploading to flickr, my system turned into a mess. A neat mess though! I have many bins of postcards that have been scanned, bins that are ready to scan and bins of cards available to trade. No matter how they are stored at the moment, I love each and every postcard I receive!

nowaglas mailbox
nowaglas mailbox

And here is a part of my postcard collection:
nowaglas postcard collection
Show and tell us about your favorite received postcard to date, and what makes it special.

I absolutely love this postcard. It’s a simple wish for my birthday when I turned 39 in November 2008. The little girl on the card is blonde and just so beautiful. The girl reminds me of me, when I was young; so sweet, innocent and happy! The colors on the postcard are vibrant and bright and every time I look at the postcard it makes me smile. It was written and stamped from Thaddee Calisson, Paris, France.

nowaglas favourite postcard
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37 comments so far

isagv, Germany

Hi Jocelyn,
I am the first with congratulations for being the actual PC SPOTLIGHT! :D
Very nice to read more about you. :)

nowaglas, United States of America

Ha ha - thanks in advance. Ok, so I am now 40. I don't host the Color RR anymore but I am sailing again next week (Feb 6th) and my favorite postcard is still the one from TC. Hugs to all and thank you!

Tjitske, Netherlands

That is so great to see you in the spotlight; well deserved for all your work on the forum! Have fun sailing on that monster called a cruiseship! :-)

hadassah, Finland

So cool!You so deserved to be on the spotlight:)

sumares, Puerto Rico

Oh, Captain! How does it feel to be in the spotlight? :D I think it's wonderful to see an alpha Postcrossing forum member featured in the blog!

marja2006, Finland

Hello Joce! So cool to see your postcrossing story here in this blog - I have found many other of my friends here in the spotlight too and now you! :D I hope you enjoy your cruise! Hugs! :)

volvomom, United States of America

So happy to see you here, amiga! :)

Lori45P, Canada

I enjoyed reading about you, Joce. Hope you have a wonderful cruise!

is-this-it, New Zealand

Great stuff! :D

Blogger, United States of America

Hello Nowaglas! It's so nice to see you here :)
I love the birthday postcard - beautiful

icitaiwan, Netherlands

Hi Joc. Nice to read more about you. As one of the "forum fossils" on the forum you truly deserve to be put in the Spotlight :). Enjoy your upcoming cruise!!

nowaglas, United States of America

thank you all - you are all so very special to me! :)

renegade_cavalcade, Canada

Hey Joce :D :D *waves* if there was a "like" option for this post I would've clicked it XD yay for the feature! :D

Monkeyflower, United States of America

Yay!Captain. Have fun on your cruise.

moonlessnite, Canada

Happy 2KX, Jocelyn. have fun for me on the snowed again, here, today.

Nordbaer, Germany

Captain, my captain!
Biggest of all hugs for you!

katts70, Estonia



mylifeasadog, Thailand

what a great to hear the story of the postcrosser like you, Jocelyn.

oh, Albuquerque is my favorite town. I visited there 3 years ago. I love that place very much. :D

twinkley, New Zealand

wow, your famous now :)

iceylove, United States of America

Hey hey,capt!
I'm here to see you again!

Delfia22, Netherlands

Great to see the spotlight on our captain!

ulpa, Poland

wow jocelyn, congrats! I still have the socks I have once won at your lottery, they serve me well ;)
stay cool, ula

WendyAnika, Jamaica

woooohooooooo! i KNOW JOC! i met Jocelyn through Postcrossing and we physically met when she came on a cruise to Jamaica. Postcrossing has been a GREAT part of my life (and so many others if i do say so)......
miss ya!

Goyesca, Germany

Hi Jocelyn, captain, great to see you here! Potstickerishy greetings and hugs to you!

Aletta, Netherlands

Great, this spotlight! And that birthday card is brilliant! :-)

bettytwin, New Zealand

hi from NEW ZEALAND sorry its not a card ive only been on postcrossing a few months but love getting cards from across the world enjoy your next cruise bettytwin

drysdam, United States of America

I'm a little slow. How is she receiving "an average of 5 to 20 cards a day" when she's only recieved 328 in 3 years? Even accounting for receiving more now than at the beginning, this can't be right. Even at the low end of 5 a day you would get over 300 in two months.

purpleferret, Canada

Congrats Jocelyn, enjoy your sojourn at sea...oh and drysdam...our Joce hosts RRs, which means the postcards aren't registered on the official site but on the forum. Check it out at the top of the page. Waves from snowy Canada.

nowaglas, United States of America

Thank you all. drysdam - my 5-20 postcards per day is also from forum use.

chankljp, United Kingdom

Wow! Five to twenty cards a day? That is amazing! But that must have costed you a lot of money on buying stamps and postcards.

For a student like me there is no way I could afford that. But it is still amazing to know about how a hardcore postcrosser is like! :)

kazinhabueno, Brazil

Great interview! Congrats :)

MiaMustikka, Finland

Really cool interview!!! You should have a cruise in Brazil!!! My mother is also addicted to travelling and you can find pretty good offers there :D
Happy PostCrossing:D

roxxy84, Netherlands

That was nice to read! Congrats! And your fave postcard looks amazing!! xx

orphan1965, United States of America

Hey there how ya been? I have thought about you often. Things are well here in Florida!

purple_girl, United Kingdom

Yey! Im so proud cappy, you're famous!! Great interview :D

rosejoy, Australia

Very interesting reading! How lucky to go on that many cruises- i am going on my first soon. LOVE your favourite postcard of the girl! Happy Postcrossing!

bradpete, Philippines

So cute!


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